When the Halo TV series debuted its first trailer in January, one of the biggest changes from the source material was the design of Cortana. Master Chief’s AI partner, Cortana’s design is more grounded in reality when compared to her video game appearances. In a recent interview, executive producer and head of transmedia at developer 343 Industries Kiki Wolfkill explained how the world of the Halo TV series resulted in Cortana’s redesign.
“It’s so funny because we change her design for every game. And a lot of that is driven by technology,” Wolfkill said to GamesRadar. “A lot of the design changes as we progressed through the game generations was because we had access to better graphics, technology, more pixels, and more effects. And so it’s always been about adapting Cortana to the environmentVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. In this situation, it’s so very different from the games in that she has to feel real. And by that, I don’t mean feel like a real human. She has to feel like a real AI, a real hologram, and be a character that real people are acting against. That was really the impetus in designing her–how do we make her feel very tangible in this Halo world?”